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A Panel of Corporate Card Experts Discuss their T&E and Purchasing Card Programs

Introduction This report highlights a discussion among panelists from four companies regarding their Travel & Expense (T&E) and Procurement Card (P-Card) processes. The key topics discussed include card products used, software for expense reporting, number of cardholders, transaction volumes, filing frequencies, approval processes, risks, challenges, and potential areas for improvement. The panelists shared insights into […]

Posted in Corporate Card

How a Global Company Transformed the T&E Process

Introduction For many Shared Services/GBS organizations, after Payroll, Travel & Expense (T&E) is the most visible process to company employees, even though it might be the smallest process when measured by number of transactions, number of employees, and overall delivery costs. T&E is a process that directly impacts every senior leader in the company, and […]

Posted in Corporate Card

Corporate Card Liability and Payment Practices

Introduction When designing your Corporate Travel program, in addition to selecting software for processing travel expenses and the preferred card product for employees to use when traveling, you also need to decide whether the company or the employee has card liability, and which party makes payment to the credit card company. Implementing or modifying a […]

Posted in Corporate Card

Using Payroll to Reimburse Employees for Travel Expenses

Introduction With the introduction of advanced travel expense platforms like SAP Concur, for virtually all large companies, paper-based expense reports that are completed manually and processed manually are a relic of the past.  Today, expense reporting is a streamlined and highly automated process.  In addition, with the transition to having credit cards readily accepted everywhere, […]

Posted in Corporate Card

Methods for Corporate Cardholder Training

Introduction Developing a robust set of procedures for Corporate cardholders is only effective if there are processes in place to ensure that employees with credit cards are properly trained.  Upfront validations and backend controls for review and approval can reduce the financial risk; however, transactions that don’t comply with company policies can be frustrating for […]

Posted in Corporate Card

COVID-19: Saving Millions by Consolidating Unused Airline Tickets

Introduction The hot topic for the last year for everyone has been adjusting to the new realities of conducting business in a world facing the COVID-19 global pandemic.  While the business impact varied by industry, with airlines, hospitality, and restaurants taking the biggest blow, every person and every company has been impacted.  With new work-from-home […]

Posted in Corporate Card

Fraud Control using Oversight’s Risk Mitigation Solutions

Introduction The risk of fraudulent transactions continues to impact the ability of companies to expand the distribution and allowable usage of both the Purchasing Card and the Travel Card.  While the appropriate use of merchant category codes (MCCs) and monetary limits are cornerstones of any card fraud prevention structure, in recent years new tactics and […]

Posted in Corporate Card

Simplifying T&E Receipt Requirements

Introduction With the use of such tools as automated feeds from card providers, improved T&E processing software, and the use of appropriate receipt submission requirements, companies are often able to meet the regulatory requirements for substantiating business expenses without sacrificing processing efficiency.  On a recent Peeriosity PeercastTM, a Peeriosity member company shared their approach to […]

Posted in Corporate Card

Leveraging Mobile Device Technology to Streamline the T&E Process

Introduction The introduction of mobile device technology has had a big impact on all of us.  By eliminating the need for a separate watch, GPS device, scanner, or camera, mobile devices have changed the world.  Because of their unique capabilities, in addition to being mobile telephones, it’s no surprise that mobile devices have made much […]

Posted in Corporate Card

Travel & Expense Report Audit Percentages and Frequency

Introduction Centralizing travel expense report processing as part of Shared Services requires a more sophisticated approach, with travelers and reviewing managers located hundreds, if not thousands, of miles away from the processing center.  Yes, placing responsibility and accountability with the department manager responsible for the expense is necessary, but that does not fully excuse Shared […]

Posted in Corporate Card
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