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Simplifying the HR Shared Services Garnishment Process

The myriad of government agencies and regulations that impact the garnishment of employee payroll can be very costly to comply with. It is not unheard of for some organizations to have over 50% of their employees having at least one garnishment on their wages, with multiple garnishments not out of the ordinary. In some organizations, […]

Posted in HR Shared Services

Driving Employee Engagement and Development in Shared Services

More than technology or processes, the foundation of a solid Shared Services organization is its people. It’s critical for leaders to create an environment and culture that keeps the team engaged, customer-focused, and innovative. While evaluating various sourcing options, striving for standardization among customers with differing perspectives, and reacting to changing levels of upper management […]

Posted in Global Business Services

Communicating the Value of Shared Services

Is the objective of Shared Services to be an efficient, back-office “utility”? Many Shared Services leaders would argue that Shared Services is, in fact, a “value-adding business partner” and not just a “low-cost, high-volume, transaction processing factory”. On a recent Peeriosity webcast, member companies were in broad agreement that part of their vision is to […]

Posted in Global Business Services

Project Management in Shared Services – Managing Scope Creep

As Shared Services organizations expand and take on more complex implementations, as well as the ongoing evolution of the enterprise business model, the need for project management techniques as a core skill is critical as more and more functional areas and operational locations are impacted. Some Shared Services organizations have a formal Project Management Office […]

Posted in Global Business Services

Global Management of Master Data in Shared Services

“If our master data is wrong or inconsistent, it can lead to major issues that may not be easily identified or rectified, including errors in reporting.  We must have strong controls and governance over all of our master data.” This quote can be attributed to almost any CFO. On a recent Peeriosity webcast, member companies […]

Posted in Global Business Services

Continuous Improvement – Is it in Your Shared Services DNA?

While many companies have realized significant savings when first transitioning to Shared Services, uncovering additional saving opportunities can be a challenge without proper focus. One attribute of many successful Shared Services operations is a well-established continuous improvement program that is ingrained within the culture of the operation. Recently a poll, followed by a webcast featuring […]

Posted in Global Business Services

Benchmarking Back-Office Structures and Design

Optimization efforts generally have the recipe ingredients of parts technology, process, and organization optimization. One of the ongoing benchmark surveys within Peeriosity allows a company to benchmark the “organization” piece of their back-office structure. Finding the back-office structure “sweet spot,” located somewhere between a highly leveraged cost structure and reliable high-quality service, has always been […]

Posted in Global Business Services
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