Lessons Learned in Rolling Out a Shared Services Branding Initiative

Description: Ensuring that your Shared Services operation is appropriately branded can help to properly position this critical organization within your company. Due in part to the transactional nature of many processes typically found within Shared Services, employees, business partners, and even key stakeholders may not understand the role of Shared Services and the value it delivers to the company. Hence, the need for an effective branding strategy.

During this Peercast, United Technologies will present their recent experiences related to Shared Services branding and what has proven most effective to this point in time.

Peercast Poll Results

Poll Title: Rolling Out a Shared Services Branding Initiative

Background: Ensuring that your Shared Services operation is appropriately branded can help to properly position this critical organization within your company. Due in part to the transactional nature of many processes typically found within Shared Services, employees, business partners, and even key stakeholders may not understand the role of Shared Services and the value it delivers to the company. Hence, the need for an effective branding strategy. This poll looks at the effectiveness of branding within Shared Services organizations today and what approach seems to work best.

Poll Question: How would you best describe the effectiveness of branding your Shared Services organization today?

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  Strong – Customers and stakeholders are clear about the role of Shared Services and we enjoy an excellent reputation 36%
  Adequate – Customers and stakeholders are familiar with the role of Shared Services and we are considered an important part of the organization 36%
  Somewhat Lacking – We find that customers are not always familiar with the role of Shared Services and this makes it more difficult to expand our services. 28%

Poll Question: What do you find is most effective in creating a strong brand for Shared Services?

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  Strong leadership and their ability to communicate the value of Shared Services to customers and stakeholders 45%
  Strong results delivered over time have shaped our reputation 36%
  Development of programs that help to capture the attention of customers and stakeholders 14%
  An effective business development individual or team 0%
  Other (please comment) 0%
  We have not focused on creating a strong brand 5%