Leading a Breakthrough Kaizen Blitz Event

Description: Kaizen Blitz Events are highly focused improvement events designed to address and resolve significant issues facing a business. Typically, a team of 4-12 members consisting of employees from the area of focus, supporting areas, and internal customers, carry out a detailed evaluation of the area or issues to discover where opportunities for improvement exist. By the end of each Kaizen Event, substantial improvements have usually been made and plans and responsibilities for longer range improvements are created.

During this Peercast, we will learn how the feature company carries out their Kaizen Blitz Events and what type of results they have experienced using this type of structure to improve their overall operation.

Peercast Poll Results

Poll Title: Leading a Breakthrough Kaizen Blitz Event

Background: Kaizen Blitz Events are highly focused improvement events designed to address and resolve significant issues facing a business. Typically, a team of 4-12 members consisting of employees from the area of focus, supporting areas, and internal customers, carry out a detailed evaluation of the area or issues to discover where opportunities for improvement exist. By the end of each Kaizen Event, substantial improvements have usually been made and plans and responsibilities for longer range improvements are created. This poll looks at the status of using Kaizen Blitz Events as a tool and compares this approach to other process improvement methodologies.

Poll Question: What is the status in your Shared Services organization of using Kaizen Blitz Events to resolve significant issues within your processes?

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  Implemented – used regularly 21%
  Implemented – used sometimes 16%
  Implemented – used rarely 11%
  Approved, not yet implemented 0%
  Evaluating, not yet decided 0%
  Evaluated, decided no 0%
  Not considered 53%
  Tried, not successful 0%

Poll Question: If you have used Kaizen Blitz Events in your Shared Services organization, how do you compare it to other process improvement approaches that you use?

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  Generally Kaizen is more effective in solving problems with better results overall 45%
  Kaizen results are similar to other formal approaches that we use 36%
  Kaizen results are similar to other less formal approaches that we use 18%
  We generally prefer other, also formal tools / approaches to solving problems 0%
  We generally prefer other, less formal tools / approaches to solving problems 0%
  Not Applicable