Poll Title: Coding of Non-PO Invoices

Background: Coding non-PO related invoices can be a frustrating exercise for many companies and can result in lost invoices and delayed payments to suppliers. This poll looks at what approach companies take in this area and the level of standardization of that process.

Poll Question: How are your company's non-PO invoices coded for processing?

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  By a centralized AP employee 13%
  By an AP employee in the field 7%
  By a non-AP employee in the field 47%
  Depends on the location 20%
  Other (Please Comment) 13%

Poll Question: If your non-PO invoices are coded at a centralized location, are your processes standard across all remote locations, or does each region/area have its own processes?

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  Standard 83%
  Each region/area has its own process 17%
  Not Applicable