Poll Title: Accounts Payable Invoice Paid-On-Time (POT) Definition

Background: We are considering a global Paid-On-Time definition but recognize that practices and laws vary by country and region. We would like to know how peers define "Paid-On-Time".

Poll Question: How does your company define Paid-On-Time (POT) for Accounts Payable invoices?

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  Funds are sent to the vendor on the invoice due date 62%
  Funds are received by the vendor on the invoice due date 19%
  Some invoices are paid late and some are paid early to maintain an average POT with the vendor 4%
  Other (Please Comment) 15%

Poll Question: Does your company have a single, global Paid-on-Time definition?

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  Yes 73%
  No - Varies by region/country 27%
  Not Applicable